Sunday, January 16, 2011

PAKISTAN (My Home Land)

Brief Facts About Pakistan
Official Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Capital: Islamabad.
Area: 796,096-sq. km. [Punjab 205,344; Sindh 140,914; Northwest Frontier Province 74,521; Balochistan 347,190; Federally Administered Tribal Areas 27,220 and Islamabad (Capital) 906 sq. km.]
Population: 172.80 million (2008 Census)
Ethnic Composition: 95% Muslims, 5% others
Per Capita Income: US $ 460
Currency: Pak. Rupee
Language: Urdu (National language), English (Official)
Archaeological Sites: Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji, Mehar Garh, and Takht Bahi
Major Cities: Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Faisalabad and Multan.
About Pakistan
A trip through Pakistan is a face to face encounter with a fascinating land that has withstood countless invasions and preserved the essence of its conquerors in the form of present day monuments and archaeological heritage.

See for yourself the excavated sites at Mohenjodaro and Taxila - seats of the ancient Indus Valley and Gandhara civilizations; the architectural monuments of the Moghuls; the Khyber Pass - the historic inlet to South Asia - or the ancient unchanging traditions of the Kafir Kalash of the Chitral Valley.

For those with an intrinsic love of mountains, Pakistan offers the unique pleasure of its northern mountain ranges, the Himalayas, the Hindukush and the Karakorams - a mountain wonderland unrivalled in the entire world with such formidable peaks as the K-2, the Nanga Parbat, the Rakaposhi, and the Trichmir. These ranges present an awesome challenge for those looking for trekking, mountaineering, angling, or jeep safaris. The resorts in these remote valleys make for an ideal summer get-away.

History Of Pakistan
Pakistan emerged on the world map as an independent sovereign state in August 1947, as a result of the division of the British Indian Empire. With a land area of 796,095 sq. km. [including FATA (Federal Administered Tribal Areas) and FANA (Federal Administered Northern Areas)], its population stands at nearly 172.80 million, according to the 2008 Census. Historically, this is one of the most ancient lands known to man. Its cities flourished before Babylon was built; its people practiced the art of good living and citizenship before the celebrated ancient Greeks.

The region traces its history back to at least 2,500 years before Christ, when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus Valley. Excavations at Harappa, Mohenjodaro and Kot Diji have brought to light evidence of an advanced civilization flourishing here even in most ancient times. Around 1,500 B.C. the Aryans conquered this region and slowly pushed the Hindu inhabitants further east, towards the Ganges Valley. Later, the Persians occupied the northern regions in 5th century B.C. The Greeks came in 327 B.C., under Alexander of Macedonia, and ran through the region like a meteor. In 712 A.D. the Arabs, led by Mohammed Bin Qasim, landed somewhere near what is now Karachi, and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for two hundred years. During this time Islam took root and influenced the life, culture and traditions of the inhabitants of the region.

From 10th century A.D. onwards, a systematic conquest of Indo-Pakistan by the Muslims from Central Asia began and lasted up to 18th century A.D., when the British colonized the Sub-continent and ruled for nearly 200 years (for 100 years over what is now Pakistan). The Muslim revival began towards the end of the last century when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a renowned leader and educationist, launched a movement for intellectual renaissance of the Indian Muslims. In 1930, the well-known poet/philosopher, Dr. Mohammed Iqbal conceived the idea of a separate state for the Muslims of the Sub-continent, and in 1940, the All-India Muslim League adopted the famous Pakistan Resolution.

After seven years of untiring struggle, under the brilliant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Pakistan emerged on the world map as a sovereign state on August 14, 1947, when the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two independent states - India and Pakistan.

People And Languages
Predominantly Muslims, the people of Pakistan are culturally homogeneous. Other religious groups include the Christians, Buddhist, Hindus and Parsees. All belong to a composite racial stock although the majority belongs to an Aryan extraction. While Urdu, the national language, is spoken throughout Pakistan, English is extensively used in official and commercial circles, and in the cities. The regional languages are Sindhi in Sindh, Balochi in Balochistan, Punjabi in Punjab and Pushto in the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP).


Pakistan has a total area of 803,940 square kilometers, slightly greater than France and the United Kingdom put together.

Pakistan is located in South Asia. To the south is the Arabian Sea, with 1,046 km of Pakistani coastline. To Pakistan's east is India, which has a 2,912 km border with Pakistan. To its west is Iran, which has a 909 km border with Pakistan. To Pakistan's northwest lies Afghanistan, with a shared border of 2,430 km. China is towards the northeast and has a 523 km border with Pakistan.

The main waterway of Pakistan is the Indus River that begins in China, and runs nearly the entire length of Pakistan, flowing through all of Pakistan's provinces except Balochistan. is fed by the combined waters of three of the five rivers of Punjab the Chenab, Jhelum, and Ravi. The waters of the other two rivers, the Beas and the Sutlej, are largely withdrawn for irrigation in India. Along the Indus and its tributaries are found most of Pakistan's population, its chief agricultural areas, and its major hydroelectric power stations, interconnected by the world's largest system of agricultural canals, join the Indus before it discharges into the Arabian Sea.

The northern and western areas of Pakistan are mountainous. Pakistani administered areas of Kashmir contain some of the highest mountains in the world, including the second tallest, K-2. Northern Pakistan tends to receive more rainfall than the southern parts of the country, and has some areas of preserved moist temperate forest. In the southeast, Pakistan's border with India passes through a flat desert, called the Cholistan or Thal Desert. West-central Balochistan has a high desert plateau, bordered by low mountain ranges. Most of the Punjab, and parts of Sindh, are fertile plains where agriculture is of great importance.

Major Vegetative Zone :
• Permanent snow fields & glaciers
• Dry alpine & cold desert zone
• Alpine scrub & moist alpine
• Himalayan dry coniferous with ilex oak
• Himalayan moist temperate forest
• Sub-tropical pine forest
• Sub-tropical dry mixed deciduous scrub forest
• Balochistan Juniper & pistachio scrub forest
• Dry sub-tropical and temperate semi-evergreen scrub forest
• Tropical thorn forest & sand dune desert
• Mangrove and littoral
• Sand dune desert

Agro Ecological zones include: 
• Indus Delta
• Southern irrigated plain
• Sandy deserts
• Northern irrigated plains
• Rain-fed lands
• Wet mountains
• Northern dry mountains
• Western dry mountains
• Dry western plateau
• Sulaiman piedmont


Pakistan is important for many religions of the world. The Indus Valley gave rise to one of the first great civilizations. Mahayana Buddhism also developed here as did the Sikh religion under Guru Nanak. Pakistan was created in the Indus Valley specifically to provide the Muslims of South Asia with a state of their own, and there are very few countries where religion plays such an important role in the lives of people.

Muslims make up over 98% of the population of Pakistan, of which roughly 80% are Sunni and 20 % are Sh'iah. About 1 % of the population is Christian with slightly more protestants than Catholics. The Hindus, mostly nomads living in the South account for less than 1%. In Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi and Quetta there are small communities of Buddhists and there are a tiny group of animist Kalash living in Chitral on the Afghan border.

Art & Culture

Pakistan has every reason to be proud of the thousands of years old and rich tradition of its arts and crafts. In the post-independence period, the successive governments have been providing substantial state help and initiative for the uplift of arts and crafts in the country. A wider recognition of the accomplishments of crafts-people has been facilitated by the activities of the National Crafts Council and promotional plans of organizations such as the Export Promotion Bureau and Small Industries Corporations. Pakistani craftsmen are well reputed in producing quality products in clay, stone, fabrics, carpets, wood, metal, jewelry and leather.


Pakistan has been the cradle of a civilization that dates back more than five millennium. Over the centuries, through successive waves of migrations from the north-west, as well as by internal migrations across the subcontinent, Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Mughals came and settled in this region. However, it was Islam and Islamic traditions that finally took roots and formed the mainspring of Pakistan's cultural heritage.

Muslims from the earliest days, built cities, forts, palaces, mosques, madrassas (religious schools), tombs and mausoleums which are marked by simplicity and grandeur, with open spaces and abundance of light in accordance with the Islamic concept of man's direct and open relationship with the Creator. Pakistan inherits immense treasure of culture, and the government is trying its best to preserve and promote this cultural treasure. There are several government agencies such as Pakistan National Council of Arts, Lok Virsa (Folk Heritage), National Film Development Corporation, Authority for Preservation of Moenjodaro and National Archives of Pakistan, each to perform a given set of functions in this area.


The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides for a Federal Parliamentary System of government, with President as the Head of State and the popularly elected Prime Minister as Head of government. The Federal Legislature is a bicameral Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), composed of the National Assembly and the Senate. The Constitution also provides for the President to address the two Houses assembled together at the commencement of the first session after General Elections:

Federal Government• Head of State
• Head of the government
• National Security Council
• National Assembly
• Senate
• Federal Ministers
• Federal Government Ministeries
• Federal Government Departments
• Attorney General
• Judiciary

Provincial Governments • Provincial Governors
• Government of Punjab 
• Government of Sindh
• Government of the North-West Frontier Province
• Government of Balochistan 
Local Governments

In order to streamline and co-ordinate the process of investment and to create an investor friendly culture in the country, the government established the Board of Investment (BOI) as the central investment promotion and facilitation agency. The Board of Investment is chaired by the Head of the Government, and overseen by the Minister for Industries and Production. See the present Organizational Chart of BOI.

2. Equal treatment to local and foreign investors
3. All economic sectors open for FDI
4. 100% foreign equity allowed
5. No Government sanction required
6. Attractive incentives package
7. Remittance of Royalty, Technical & Franchise Fee; Capital, Profits, Dividends allowed
8. Foreign investment fully protected:
9. Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act, 1976
10. Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992
11. Foreign Currency Accounts (Protection) Ordinance, 2001
12. Bilateral Agreements:
13. Investment Protection: 43 Countries
14. Avoidance of Double Taxation: 51 Countries


Human Resources

Labour Force And Employment
On the basis of the estimated population of 148.72 million and the participation rate of 29.61 percent, as per the Labour Force Survey 2001-02, the total labour force is estimated at 45.05 million. Of this, 30.19 million or 67.03 percent is in the rural areas and 14.85 million or 32.97 percent is in the urban areas.

Population Growth and Literacy Rates (1999 to 2003)
Mid Year
Total Population (Million)
Growth Rate (%)
Literacy Rate (%)
% Change
 E: Estimated
Source: Population Census Organization & Ministry of Planning & Dev. Division

Selected Demographic Indicators
IndicatorsYear (2003)
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
Crude Death Rate
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
(per 100 thousand live birth)
Life Expectancy Male

Employed Labour Force By Sectors
(No. in million)
 No.% Share
Manufacturing & Mining:  
Wholesale & Retail Trade:  
Finance, Insurance, Community & Social Services:  

Human Resources
144 millions 2002, Population growth rate 2.06% (2002 est.)
Ethnic Groups
In general percentages of population similar to linguistic groups: Punjabis:66percent, Sindhis:13 percent, Pakhtuns:10 percent, Baloch: 3 percent, Muhajirs: 7 percent, and other ethnic groups: 1 percent.
Urdu official language, but English in general use in government,military, business, and higher education. Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English official and lingua franca Urdu of Pakistani and most government ministries), and other Dardack languages 8% .
About 97 percent of Pakistanis are Muslim, 77 percent of whom are Sunnis and 20 percent Shia; remaining 3 percent of population divided equally among Christians, Hindus, and other religions.

Education and Literacy
Primary schools:  150,963
Middle schools:  14,595
High schools:  9,808
Arts & science colleges:  798
Professional colleges:  161
Universities:  35 (10 in Private sector)
It is a means of allying two extended families; romantic attachments have little role to play. The husband and wife are primarily representatives of their respective families in a contractual arrangement, which is typically negotiated between two male heads of household. It is fundamentally the parents' responsibility to arrange marriages for their children, but older siblings may be actively involved if the parents die early or if they have been particularly successful in business or politics. The terms are worked out in detail and are noted, by law, at the local marriage registry.

Space is allocated to and used differently by men and women. For their protection and respectability, women have traditionally been expected to live under the constraints of purdah (purdah is Persian for curtain), most obvious in veiling. By separating women from the activities of men, both physically and symbolically, purdah creates differentiated male and female spheres.

It is practiced in various ways, depending on family tradition, region, class, and rural or urban residence, but nowhere do unrelated men and women mix freely. Among wealthier Pakistanis, urban or rural residence is less important than family tradition in influencing whether women observe strict purdah and the type of veil they wear. In some areas, women simply observe "eye purdah": they tend not to mix with men, but when they do, they avert their eyes when interacting with them.

Religious minorities
Pakistan is a predominantly Muslim country. The number of all the non-Muslim minorities is 4.919 million in a population of 143 million (2002). These minorities are: Christians, with their largest pockets in Punjab; Hindus, with their largest pockets in Sindh; a small number of Parsis, mainly in the city of Karachi; a small number of Sikhs in Balochistan and NWFP; a small number of Bahais in some urban centres; pockets of indigenous people in Northern Areas and of scheduled castes in Sindh. These are distinct religious groups recognized as such since the British period. In 1974 Pakistan created a new religious minority, Ahmadis. There are also minority Muslim sects, such as Shias, Ismailis and Bohras, that are not treated as religious minorities.

Pakistan recently underwent significant political and structural reforms, moving towards macro-economic stability, debt management, revival of the democratic process with increased women’s representation, major institutional reforms with emphasis on devolution and decentralization, significant progress in information technology, reduction in population growth, and food grain self-sufficiency, which has been maintained for the past several years. Efforts to combat corruption and improve law and order have been firmly established.

The nation has demonstrated resilience in dealing with the challenges posed by drought, the impact of the Afghan crisis, influx of refugees and the 11 September aftermath. While the difficult regional security situation has led to a diversion of scarce development resources to defence, Pakistan has striven to resolve issues according to the principles of the United Nations Charter, as indicated in the common country assessment (CCA).
With a human development index of 0.498 in 1999, Pakistan ranked 127 out of a total of 162 countries, and with a gender-related development index of 0.466 in 1999 it ranked 117 out of a total of 146 countries, according to the Human Development Report 2001. According to government estimates in 2000, 34 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line, while the cost of environmental degradation was estimated at 4.3 per cent of GDP in 1998. Although there has been some improvement in women’s status over the last several years, the position of women in Pakistan remains weak and gender disparities are reflected in all social indicators. As a result of its debt burden, low revenue base and recent low growth rates, Pakistan has not been able to invest adequately in human development.
 Public investments in the 1990s focused mainly on infrastructure. Private education and health services are common but expensive, whereas public services are inadequate, particularly in rural areas and for women and girls. Social regression, land degradation and unemployment have further reduced. resources available to the poor. It is recognized that the answer to these problems lies in improving the quality of governance, making make it more inclusive and participatory; strengthening systems of accountability and transparency; promoting citizens’ involvement in decisions that influence their lives; and strengthening the role of the Government in facilitating development.
District Profiles
Pakistan has four provinces North West FrontierSindhPunjab, Province and Balochistan.

Each Province is further divided into districts. There are 34 districts in punjab, 16 in Sindh, 26 in Balochistan and 24 in NWFP.
Districts Of NWFP
1. Peshawar
2. Charsada
3. Mardan
4. Swabi
5. Bunner
6. Swat
7. Shangla
8. Malakand
9. Kohistan
10. Batagram
11. Mansehra
12. Abbottabad
13. Haripur
14. Chitral
15. Upper Dir
16. Lower Dir
17. Nowshera
18. Kohat
19. Hangu
20. Karak
21. Bannu
22. Lakki Marwat
23. D.I. Khan
24. Tank

1. Attock
2. Bhakkar
3. Bahawalnagar
4. Bahawalpur
5. Chakwal
6. Dera Ghazi Khan
7. Faisalabad
8. Gujrat
9. Gujranwala
10. Jhang
11. Hafizabad
12. Khanewal
13. Lahore
14. Lodhran
15. Layyah
16. Mandi-Bahaudddin
17. Multan
18. Mianwali
19. Muzaffargarh
20. Narowal
21. Okara
22. Pakpattan
23. Rawalpindi
24. Jhelum
25. Khushab
26. Kasur
27. Rahimyarkhan
28. Rajanpur
29. Sahiwal
30. Sargodha
31. Sheikhupura
32. Gujrat
33. Toba Tek Singh
34. Vehari

1. Karachi
2. Hyderabad
3. Badin
4. Thatta
5. Dadu
6. Sukkur
7. Ghotki
8. Khairpur
9. Nawabshah
10. Noshero Feroz
11. Tharparkar
12. Mirpurkhas
13. Sanghar
14. Larkana
15. Jacobabad
16. Shikarpur

10. KECH
24. SIBI
25. ZHOB

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Global Warming and Poor Countries

Global warming has become the most talked-about environmental issue today. Governments, corporations, and individuals around the world are debating the reality of global warming, and working on solutions. Global warming is not only a threat to our future health, it already contributes to more than 150,000 deaths and 5 million illnesses annually, according to a team of health and climate scientists at the World Health Organization and the University of Wisconsin at Madison – and those numbers could double by 2030.
Global warming is particularly hard on people in poor countries, which is ironic, because the places that have contributed the least to global warming are most vulnerable to the death and disease higher temperatures can bring. Scientists believe that greenhouse gases will increase the global average temperature by approximately 6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. Extreme floods, droughts and heat waves, such as Europe’s 2003 heat wave, are likely to strike with increasing frequency.
Other factors such as irrigation and deforestation can also affect local temperatures and humidity. Scholars are predicting that 50 million people worldwide will be displaced by 2010 because of rising sea levels, desertification, dried up aquifers, weather-induced flooding and other serious environmental changes. There are certain things that we could do.
Reducing global warming may seem like a daunting task, but if each of us makes a commitment to taking steps now, we can make a difference! Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn’t a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one.
A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. So, plantation should be taken up. Share information about recycling and energyconservation with your friends, neighbours and co-workers, and take opportunities to encourage public officials to establish programs and policies that are good for the environment. Save earth because we don’t have any other planet to turn up to!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


For us, Pakistan is not a piece of land. It is the heart which pumps blood in our veins, it is the light which brightens our eyes. 'Pakistan Zindabad' is not a mere slogan, but a way of living. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Beauty of Nature

Bird photography is one of the most challenging types of nature photography, but remains an incredibly popular hobby for many people. The subject is usually small, may not stay still, moves rapidly from branch to branch, sits in less than favourable lighting conditions and is extremely aware of an approaching photographer. Tricky! In this showcase I have collected 100 beautiful examples of bird photography, and a few tips to help you out.

Examples and Inspiration

Red Kite

Bird Photography

The lost prey

Bird Photography

Every day is sushi day…

Bird Photography

A certain smile…

Bird Photography

Totally in Love

Bird Photography

Food for the Kids

Bird Photography

This is love

Bird Photography

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Bird Photography

Palestine Sunbird.

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Common Tern.

Bird Photography

As white as snow

Bird Photography

White-throated Kingfisher

Bird Photography


Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Sealed with a kiss

Bird Photography

Bombycilla garrulus

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Flying puffin

Bird Photography

"Fly away from my branch!!!"…

Bird Photography

Pop-up Breakfast

Bird Photography

Eyes left

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Kingfisher and Dragonfly

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

The spaghetti incident

Bird Photography

Kingfisher landing

Bird Photography

"Measurement of the horses" – which is greater

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Egyptian Vulture

Bird Photography

collared dove

Bird Photography

collared doves

Bird Photography

Sparrows in flight

Bird Photography

bird reflection

Bird Photography

A Robin for New Year

Bird Photography

Parrot escapee!!!

Bird Photography

Baby bird

Bird Photography

Freedom dove now home!

Bird Photography

mandarin duck in full colour

Bird Photography

Love Bird

Bird Photography

Toucan bird

Bird Photography

Mystery Bird Eating Oceanspray

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Flightless birds

Bird Photography


Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Humming bird

Bird Photography

Love Bird at g’pa bill

Bird Photography

Buffy Fish Owl

Bird Photography

The Seven Year Itch

Bird Photography

Dopo il tuffo

Bird Photography

Silly Walk

Bird Photography

Eurasian Curlew

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Welcome to the New Year!

Bird Photography

A Bird in the Hand

Bird Photography

Wings of gold

Bird Photography

Thirsty birds at St Ives village green.

Bird Photography

Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue

Bird Photography

Woodland Kingfisher

Bird Photography

Bird Bath

Bird Photography

Blue Song

Bird Photography

green ON green

Bird Photography

Buffalo Buffet

Bird Photography

Seconds from disaster…

Bird Photography

Birds of a feather..

Bird Photography

Lady Bird

Bird Photography

Indian Peafowl 

Bird Photography

See! I’m more than just a cottonball

>Bird Photography

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Bird Photography

stir-fried …

Bird Photography

In Frozen Time

Bird Photography

Birds’s Life!

Bird Photography

Below Zero

Bird Photography

Feed Me……!

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Reed Warbler.

Bird Photography

Got a whole lot of Living to do…..

Bird Photography

Three of a Kind

Bird Photography


Bird Photography


Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Graceful Prinia.

Bird Photography

We are The bird- Beatles

Bird Photography

Food Fight!

Bird Photography

Pekin Robin

Bird Photography

Fulvous-faced Flycatcher Warbler

Bird Photography

Hello world!

Bird Photography

Within the Focus Point

Bird Photography

robin redbreast

Bird Photography

Under the wing

Bird Photography

Taiwan Blue Magpie

Bird Photography

Firecrest Superman

Bird Photography

Bubo Lacteus

Bird Photography

Allen’s Hummingbird

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Bird on a fence

Bird Photography

Black-winged stilt.

Bird Photography


Bird Photography

Tips & Resources for Bird Photography

Practice on Your Pet!

Home is where the heart is, and there’s certainly something to be said for starting out photographing your own pet. Granted, you’re unlikely to own a collection of exotic birds, but many animals offer similar challenges. It’s easy, risk-free, and you have all the time in the world to stalk around your house like a member of the feline paparazzi.

Let Nature Come to You

Keep your distance, stay still, and play the waiting game. If you’d rather practice in the comfort of your own garden, why not set up a bird feeder? You’ll know (more or less) exactly where to point your camera in advance, and it’s a simple way to get started with bird photography on your own turf.

Continuous Shutter

This one might go without saying, but using a continuous shutter is a great technique to practice when shooting a subject that’s liable to move quickly. Stock up on memory cards, and don’t be afraid to hold the shutter down for a few seconds when you’re close to getting that perfect bird shot.

If you have any hints and tips of your own, I’d love to read them in the comments.