Saturday, January 1, 2011


Our planet earth is an exceedingly fascinating and a very interesting place.It was created by Almighty Allah millions of years back. Human life on earth began with two exceptionally honoured persons : 

(1) Hazrat Adam (PBUH), the first citizen and the first prophet.

(2) Hazrat Hawwa (EVE), the first lady of the universe.

The inital offspring of Adam and Hawwa included two sons, named Habeel and Qabeel. Habeel was younger, he was noble,sociable and a God fearing youth. Qabeel on the contary, was selfish, ill-tampered, arrogant, jalous and a nasty youngman.

As the two boys grew up Qabeel took to farming and Habeel becam a shepherd. Then there marriage proposals were settled. Habeel's fiance was charming and attractive as compared to Qabeel's, whose was not so beautiful. Qabeel 

did not appreciate this disparity. he started nursing intense ill-will and hatred against his younger brother. The relations between the two brothers went on detriorating fast day by day. When the situation became terrible, tensean unbearable. Their worried father proposed a workable solution. He advised the sons to offer their respective sacrifices in Gods way. He would marry the prettier girl whose sacrifice will accepted by Allah.

Crow's Part in Teaching Burial of Dead body

Both the feuding brothers accepted thier father's proposal. It so happened that God accepted Habeel's sacrifice. Qabeel's sacrifice was rejected. This made him more bitter, frustrated and furious. His heart burnt in revenge. At last finding the oppertunitly one day, he stoned his innocent brother, Habeel, to death. Then he felt utterly confused about the disposal of the dead body as it was the first muder on the planet earth.

suddenly his eyes fell on a crow. The clever bird was digging a small pit in the ground with its beak and claws. The crow's action was quite clear. Qabeel understood how to dispose off the mudered brother's dead body. He dug a huge pit and buried the corpse in it.

Killer Qabeel's dreadful Doom

The horrible murder was the first ever on earth. When Qabeel had buried his brother's dead body he started feeling more and more guilty. The dreadful idea began to haunt him. It troubled his conscience that he had killed his brother so callously. It made his life miserable and unbearable. He was seen loitering aimlessly heither and thither all the time like a mad man. Then one day someone hit his head hard. He fell on the ground and died instantaneously. 

Basic Lesson of the Tragic Crow Story

This historic Quranic story is stumblingly sensationaly. Its basic moral stands thus:

All evils ends up in evil. Like all other evils, malice and murder are the worst forms of sins and crimes, disputes and difficulties are to be resolved amicably through just and lawful methods. Brute force and show of violence can never offer any solution to any human problem, whatsoever.

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